In this debut thriller from award-winning journalist Neal Lipschutz, former deputy editor in chief of the Wall Street Journal, Scott Morgan's carefully crafted life—one he had worked hard to insulate from the kind of tumult he himself had experienced growing up—is upended when his daughter's new beau is found murdered in the apartment they shared, and Scott and his loved one become prime suspects.
Morgan has lifted himself out of the old neighborhood of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, into a successful career as a respected management consultant. A sign of his progress: his current address is an expensive home in the affluent suburb of Scarsdale, New York. When his twenty-eight-year-old daughter brings home a new beau—a fifty-five-year-old one-hit wonder of a novelist—Scott suspects the writer is a serial user of people and sets out to expose him.
Murder, however, applies a screeching halt to Scott's investigation, as he, his wife, and daughter all become suspects in the crime. His quest to forestall catastrophe means facing submerged demons from his Brooklyn past and matching wits with a clever and idiosyncratic NYPD detective. Scott's tool kit consists of the take-no-prisoner lessons he's gleaned from a long-standing, ethics-free approach to business. How far is Scott willing to go to protect everything he's worked for?
No Write Way to Die
Read this Fiction thriller, which is the first in a continuing series by Neal Lipschutz.
Neal Lipschutz is an award-winning journalist. Formerly a deputy editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, he also served as the Journal's standards editor and as top editor of Dow Jones Newswires. His short fiction has appeared in a number of publications. This is his first novel.